SBS Soc­cer
Ba­se Sys­tem.

Al­ter­na­tive & foun­da­tion­less sub­struc­ture sys­tem from . As we strive to con­stant­ly de­vel­op and nev­er stand still, we at Trend­sport Rum­menigge have de­vel­oped a new and in­no­va­tive sub­struc­ture sys­tem, which of­fers a re­al al­ter­na­tive to the „clas­sic sub­struc­ture“: our Soc­cer Base Sys­tem – SBS for short.


Since we do not en­ter with our SBS any con­nec­tion with the soil and build up on­ly on the ex­ist­ing ecol­o­gy, our SBS is al­so com­plete­ly residue-­free again-­de­mount­able! The on­ly pre­req­ui­site is the re­moval of the ex­ist­ing turf and the ap­pli­ca­tion of a lev­el­ing, ab­so­lute­ly tread-­proof and wa­ter-­per­me­able fine lev­el­ing of 0-­5 crushed sand, ap­prox. 4 cm thick.


De­spite the foun­da­tion­less con­struc­tion, we are able to firm­ly and sta­bly con­nect the perime­ter con­struc­tion of our mi­ni-­pitch­es to the sys­tem by means of spe­cial­ly de­vel­oped fas­ten­ing an­chors. In this way, our small play­ing fields still have sta­tion­ary prop­er­ties de­spite their com­plete­ly foun­da­tion-­free con­struc­tion.

Va­rious ad­van­ta­ges
at a glan­ce
Saving of material and machine use, foundation work, time and costs
Permanent drainage incl. intermediate storage of rainwater during torrential rain thanks to intelligent hollow chamber system
Flatness and stability due to innovative load distribution (so-called snowshoe effect!)
Excellent playing comfort, in which the ball rolling, running and damping properties ideally complement each other, achieved by the high-quality multi- or soccer elastic layer integrated into the SBS

Thanks to the fact that it can be used on both si­des, the Soc­cer Ba­se Sys­tem al­so ide­al as a play­ing field pe­ri­me­ter and ac­cess to the small play­ing field.


This re­sults in enor­mous cost, time and la­bor sa­vings, espe­ci­al­ly when the Soc­cer Ba­se Sys­tem is in­stal­led by the club or the in­iti­a­tors of the small pitch (hand­ling is com­ple­te­ly un­pro­ble­ma­tic!).

Feel free to
con­tact us.
Your all around
care­free packa­ge

We pro­vi­de you with the com­ple­te all-­round care­free packa­ge, com­pe­tent­ly, quick­ly and re­li­a­b­ly from a sin­gle sour­ce.


From the free con­sul­ta­ti­on, to the plan­ning, to the rea­dy-­to-­play pro­duc­ti­on and in­stal­la­ti­on of your play­ing field. If you wish, we can al­so take care of pitch main­te­nance and ser­vicing for you.

In­di­vi­du­al ad­vi­ce
for your play­ground
Eve­ry pro­ject is dif­fe­rent. And that's why your needs co­me first for us. Co­me to us with your wis­hes and ideas and we will cre­a­te your in­di­vi­du­al pro­ject. Take ad­van­ta­ge of our of­fer and know-­how to bring your in­di­vi­du­al­ly ad­ap­ted play­ing field to life: Pho­ne: 0251 928 7268 0 / Email: in­fo@trend­sport-­rum­me­nig­
Qua­li­ty from
ex­pe­ri­enced hands
Through years of ex­pe­ri­ence in sports fa­ci­li­ty con­struc­ti­on, we are ab­le to meet the hig­hest qua­li­ty and sa­fe­ty re­qui­re­ments. Strict at­ten­ti­on is paid to ful­fill the Ger­man, le­gal re­qui­re­ments (DIN stan­dards, sta­tics, tes­ta­ble sa­fe­ty, CE cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, etc.).
Kits for
Self as­sem­b­ly
You want to build your own court, but you think it's too ex­pen­si­ve? Now you can sa­ve mo­ney with our kits for self-­as­sem­b­ly. Con­tact us! The kits are ea­sy to as­sem­ble and re­qui­re no spe­cia­li­zed skills. You will re­cei­ve all the ne­ces­sa­ry parts and in­struc­ti­ons to build your court sa­fe­ly and pro­fes­si­o­nal­ly.

Trendsport Rummenigge GmbH

Trauttmansdorffstraße 111

48153 Münster


Fon +49 (0)251 928 7268 0

Fax +49 (0)251 928 7268 5